Karen Dawn Reynolds, Yearbook Photo
Date: 09/15/1976
Views: 12680
Tom Chappell at Disney World, 1977
I used to think that this photograph of me was just absolutely incredibly flattering (!!)
Date: 09/15/1977
Views: 13360
Tom Chappell, Karen Reynolds and Curt Welch, 1978
Go ahead, click on this appalling photograph! Geez, look at me. I look like Ross from Friends, when he is shown in his college years. Same exact mustache. And wait a minute, why is Karen's arm around Curt? She was my girlfriend!
Date: 04/02/1978
Views: 12871
Karen Reynolds, Live and In Color
No idea when this was taken. But look, she's got Champagne, and I've got my camera.
Date: 09/01/1979
Views: 12358