Georgia Tech, 1974-1980
Pictures from the first time that I went to college.
PLEASE NOTE that each of the items displayed at this level is itself a multi-photo album, and also that some feature a Cat, or a Hat!
Date: 12/31/1979
Owner: Tom Chappell
Size: 6 items
(55 items total)
Dorms, 1974-1976
Date: 10/15/1975
Owner: Tom Chappell
Size: 8 items
Views: 9244
Ramblin' Photos, 1975
George Whittlesey III and I went out and took these one day.
Date: 10/16/1975
Owner: Tom Chappell
Size: 7 items
Views: 8417
Ramblin' Wreck Parade, 1975-1976
Held every year. Sometimes the floats work, and sometimes you have to push.
Date: 06/01/1976
Owner: Tom Chappell
Size: 5 items
Views: 8228
Smyrna, 1976-1977
Taken at the apartment in Smyrna shared by Tom, Curt, Bobby, and David.
Date: 11/15/1976
Owner: Tom Chappell
Size: 9 items
Views: 10477
Scattered Apartments, 1977-1980
...featuring the above photograph. What do you mean, "My God, look at that mustache!"?
Date: 04/01/1978
Owner: Tom Chappell
Size: 5 items
Views: 9474
Hat Photos at Georgia Tech, 1980
Taken in the very last few days before I left Georgia.
Date: 01/17/1980
Owner: Tom Chappell
Size: 15 items
Views: 11452