Bob Raines
"Whoa, this Hat is really huge!"
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13538
Bob Raines
Bob's not exactly menacing here, but perhaps...pensive.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 14301
Bob and Ren
His cute daughter wouldn't wear the Hat at first...
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13482
Bob and Ren
...but then she saw that the other girls were playing dress-up, so then it was OK.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12250
Janine Raines
One of the other girls who were playing dress-up, who made it OK. (It's especially OK if Mom is doing it.)
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 14271
Janine Raines
Janine and Jeff grew up together.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12791
Naomi Lorenzini
Jeff's wife, and Amelie's mom...
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 11755
Naomi Lorenzini
...She's got a terrific smile.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12035
Chris, from the Raw Food Support Group
Chris and Raluca had to leave early, but I still got their pictures.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 14122
Chris, from the Raw Food Support Group
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13616
Raluca, from the Raw Food Support Group
Raluca is Chris's wife.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13183
Raluca, from the Raw Food Support Group
...A friend remarked, "Whoa, several Babes in the group!"
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13008
Hannah Earhart
Naomi's youngest sister. Amelie really wanted Hannah come help push her on the swings, which Hannah was glad to do.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13334
Hannah Earhart - Artistic Version
We did this with the hair on purpose.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13081
Jeff Lorenzini and Claire
Claire, like every beagle I've ever met, is "a happy little tail-wagger."
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12340
Jeff Lorenzini and Claire
Can you guess where the ducks and the lake were?
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12869
Sally Rose
I think Sally is Claire's mom.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12373
Sally Rose
...she's also Jeff's friend Ed's mom. Ed is coming back soon after years in Buenos Aires.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13191
Noah Earhart and Joceline
Naomi's youngest brother and his girlfriend. They wouldn't wear the hat at first, but then agreed to wear it together...
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13035
Noah Earhart and Joceline
...and after that, it was a slipperly slope to Hatville.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12588
Noah Earhart and Joceline
"C'mon! ALL the kids are doing it!"
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13574
Noah Earhart and Joceline
OK, the hat's a little large.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12389
Sarah's boyfriend. Hey, he looks great in the Hat!
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12112
Adam and Kelso
...that's his and Sarah's son Kelso on the swing.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12741
Sarah Earhart
Naomi's next-oldest sister.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 10912
Sarah Earhart
She and Adam are Kelso's parents.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12634
Sarah Earhart
She also has another son, Sklyer, but he escaped before I could take his picture.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12832
Karen Sussman
Another friend met through raw food. She had her eyes closed in most of the shots, but I always take several, just to be sure.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12751
Ken Earhart
Naomi's Dad...
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13711
Ken Earhart
...and Amelie's Grandpa.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12300
Mary Earhart
Naomi's Mom...
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12611
Mary Earhart
...and Amelie's Grandma.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12353
Jeff Lorenzini
Jeff is like a chameleon...
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12248
Jeff Lorenzini
...every shot just a little different.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12061
Jeff Lorenzini
Now with a hand keeping the Hat from blowing away...
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 13271
Jeff Lorenzini
...and now without!
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 11988
Jeff Lorenzini
Immediately before the Hat blew away. We captured it easily, though.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12894
Bob and Ren
One more shot of Bob's and Janine's daughter being extremely cute.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12571
Amelie and Grandpa Earhart
Amelie acting as a Hat here.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 14518
Amelie and Grandpa Earhart
...looking a little worn out.
Date: 03/05/2006
Views: 12426
Carmela Pham
Both Carmela and Naomi are going to have their second babies Real Soon Now.
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 13046
Tam and Tia Pham
"Ack! There's that man again!"
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 12699
Carmela Pham
...and yet, they both look great! It irritates me that the Phams and Lorenzinis haven't aged appreciably since I've known them.
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 14325
Tam and Tia Pham
"If I look away, it's slightly less disturbing."
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 12501
Carmela Pham
Rrrrr. It's like The Picture of Dorian Gray, but without the Evil.
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 13026
Tam and Tia Pham
I think of Tia as being slightly shy, ever since I've known her.
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 13073
Amelie and Jeff Lorenzini
...while I think of Amelie as Not Shy.
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 14549
The Avenger and Jeff Lorenzini
...taking a much-needed smoothie break in between clothes changes.
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 12898
Isaac Earhart
Another of Naomi's brothers. Wouldn't you know it, the one guy that I only took one shot of, because I thought I had it for sure...Perhaps we both closed our eyes while I took the picture.
Date: 03/06/2006
Views: 13098